Course Catalog

Leadership and Ministry
This Course was built to provide a guided framework through which Templars can better discern and understand their unique God-given talents, gifts, and leadership style.
In Mark 12, our Lord Jesus Christ stated that the greatest commandment in the Law was “to love the Lord our God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength”, and to “love your neighbor as yourself”. Christ stated that there is no Law greater than these. God calls us to total relationship, involving every aspect of who we are as individuals. We are called to bring all that we are and all that we can be in following and serving Christ and making his Love known in the world.

The Gauntlet
The Gauntlet! This course is for those Templars either joining before 2016 or ranked out of the Sergeant Corps before taking the SAA Advanced Training Course. This can also serve as a refresher for any KTOA Templar no matter the rank. This course combines sections from both the Companion at Arms Basic Training Course and the Sergeant at Arms Advanced Training course.

Initiate Course- Questa Primis
Physical battles vs. Spiritual Battles: In the Knights Templar of America, we fight daily spiritual battles. Attacks will come against our family, our friends, our church family, and all other parts of life. Becoming a Templar does not mean the attacks will get easier; in fact, they will be harder than ever before. One must be steadfast in learning, praying, and seeking knowledge to fight these Spiritual battles. As the first of our mandatory courses this course is the first step in the Templar journey to Knighthood.

CAA Intermediate Course- Questa ut Intelligendium
This course is where you learn to walk in lockstep with your Templar Sister and Brothers. You will learn the ropes, learn how to tie the ropes and how to untangle the, well, you get it.
Things covered include the Chain of Command, the Leadership Structure of the Order, who we are, Templar History and much much more.
As one of our mandatory courses this course is designed to prepare the Templar Student for duty as a Sergeant.

SAA Advanced Training- Angustia Cordis
The course is based on a set of historically accepted Knightly Virtues. We may ask for your thoughts on the virtues or even ask for the BIBLE verse you think fit that virtue. We are in no way pushing church Doctrine. This course fits our ecumenical standing as we ask for each individual members’ opinion. We never ask for the members Church view as it is assumed their answers/opinion would already be based (fully or in part) on that.
As one of our mandatory courses the goal is to help the Templar Sergeant become a better leader by understanding how they themselves apply the virtues in their daily lives.

Statutes and Protocol Course- Conmentarium
Protocol is defined as the official procedure or a system of rules; this course gives an explanation of the OSMTJ/KTOA expectations. The other side of the course deals with rank structure and titles used throughout the Order. As one of our mandatory courses this is an important building block in the Templar Students foundation.